Past Sermons

Worship online live with CUMC Sundays at 8 & 9:45 and after on our YouTube Channel:

Current Series

Follow Me

Sundays: March 9-April 20, 2025

'Follow Me' were the first words that Jesus said to his early disciples. They are words that still call to each of us through the words of the gospel of Matthew. Matthew calls us to follow Jesus and live as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Gospel of Matthew Reading Plan Bookmark
Gospel of Matthew Reading Plan Booklet

The Power of Words

Sundays: October 11-25

Words have power. The Bible notes that, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." With our words we insult, or encourage, we curse or we bless. With them we build trust or tear it down. Our words have the power to strengthen relationships or to destroy them. Join us as we reflect on the power of our words and learn principles to use them as tools for life!

Download our Phone Lock Screen here to get a daily reminder of the prayer for the series - Ephesians 4:29

October 11 - Words that Build
October 18 - Words with Friends and Family
October 25 - God's Word to Us

Walls to Bridges - World Communion Sunday

October 4, 2020
The first Sunday in October is a day in which we remember that Jesus builds bridges as we celebrate World Communion Sunday. Jesus built a bridge between us and God, and Jesus builds bridges between groups of people previously separate. Paul says that Jesus tore down the walls that divide us. We will share about the symbolism of our new baptismal font and consider what it means to be apprentices of the one who breaks down walls and builds bridges.


Choosing Gratitude

September 27, 2020
When there is much in our world that seems overwhelming and out of our control, it's good to remember habits that give us a sense of grounding, focus, perspective and even joy. One of the most basic habits of faith is gratitude. Gratitude is more than a nice idea, it is a simple habit and posture for which God has wired us and that brings joy even in the midst of adversity.

Moving in Faith

August 23-September 20, 2020
Moving in Faith to our new building is an act of hope for the future. We believe in a future with hope, in God's provision, in the community impact God is calling us to, in God's power to change lives, and in the welcoming embrace of God in Jesus Christ for all people!


August 2-16, 2020
In the midst of all that is going on it is easy to become disconnected from God, from others, and from ourselves. Our routines have changed, our connections are different, and it is hard to find our footing.
Download a sermon series graphic for your phone lock screen here. The graphic includes the breath prayers for you to pray daily.

This I Believe

Sundays, July 12-26, 2020

This sermon series allows Pastor Jake to share some of his own personal faith journey.


July 5, 2020
Today we celebrate CUMC's 7th anniversary! The topic of "Transitions" as we remember our past, celebrate welcoming a new Lead Pastor at CUMC, and look to the future of moving into our new church building.

Living in a Strange Land

May 17 - June 21, 2020
A series of messages designed to find encouragement from the people of God who walked in their "wilderness experiences" as we now walk through ours in these days between what was and what is not yet. Through it all, the presence of God does not waver, and neither should we.

Mother's Day 2020

May 10, 2020
The support, appreciation and recognition of the value and importance of everyone in God's kingdom. We are all on equal footing before the cross of Jesus.

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

April 19 - May 3, 2020
The recent coronavirus crisis has made us all realize just how small and connected our world is. Each of us has a neighbor and is a neighbor. Let's commit to being GOOD neighbors. Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Easter Sunday 2020

April 12, 2020
Jesus came to establish a new covenant, a new command and a new movement based on the love of God. You're either for it. Or you're against it.