Capital Campaign 3: Forward

"Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine..." ~ Eph 3:20

"Lord, what do you want to do through me?" has been our prayer for 6 years and when we listen to God's voice amazing things have happened. We continue to pray this prayer as we stretch personally and as a church to work to retire the remaining $1.9M debt.

 Join 224 families currently part of Forward campaign by 

• Completing an Online commitment card
• Giving a one-time gift
• Making a recurring gift to Capital Campaign 3

See our Forward Capital Campaign 3 Tri-fold Brochure

The first ten years as Carlisle UMC were filled with God-moments. We moved FORWARD to become a new church and together built a new church building. God has done more than we could have ever dreamed or imagined!


In the next 10 years and beyond there are many lives that will be touched as we help more people experience a life-giving journey with Jesus IN community and FOR our community. We can do this best when we fully pay off our debt.

Hear from our past and current Capital Campaign Chairs about CUMC's history, capital campaigns 1 & 2, and how God has moved in powerful ways through the people at CUMC. Video (5:30)

Forward Capital Campaign 3 began with First Fruits on October 29, 2023. We know, and have seen, it requires gifts of all sizes given together to do what God has called us to do in ministry today and into the future.


 See our Forward Capital Campaign 3 Tri-fold Brochure


Why does CUMC have this debt?
CUMC was formed in 2013 from the God inspired unification of three United Methodist congregations. In 2015 CUMC voted to sell our original church properties and acquire 25 acres to build a new church. Our land was purchased in 2016, with design and permitting of our new facility continuing into 2018. A $14.8M project budget funded by three consecutive capital campaigns was approved, a construction loan obtained, and after two years of construction we moved into our new home in Fall 2020. In Fall 2023 we move FORWARD with our third capital campaign.

How much was spent?
We spent $15M to create CUMC's new church facility. Our 25 acre portion of the former Smith Farm was purchased for $1.1M. Our design/permitting/construction/furnishing expenses totaled $13.9M versus a $14.8M budget. To God be the glory that this project was completed significantly under budget!

What is the remaining loan balance at the end of our 2nd Capital Campaign?
Our remaining loan balance is $1.9M as of May 2024. In just 7 short years we have already paid of $12.4M of this $15M project due to the generosity of this congregation in our first two capital campaigns coupled with the sale of our original churches and an amazing $2M estate bequest.

Is it realistic to think we can finish paying for our new church and campus in this 3rd campaign?
Yes! That is our goal because we serve a big God with whom anything is possible! 83% of what we spent has already been paid off in only 7 years. 17% in 3 years seems well within reach.
As of May 2024, our debt is at $1.9M.

What is the length of the upcoming 3rd Capital Campaign?
The Forward Capital Campaign will run for three years: October 2023-October 2026.

How do I determine how much to give?
Through this Forward Campaign we have embarked on a spiritual journey that challenges each of us to focus upon all that God has given us both individually and collectively as CUMC. We look Forward and imagine all God can do when our remaining debt is retired. What you choose to return to God is between you and God.

What impact will the events in the broader United Methodist Church have for CUMC?
CUMC made the commitment to remain a United Methodist Church in 2022. We believe Living Like Jesus means loving and accepting ALL persons. ALL means ALL with NO exceptions! We can best live out our mission as CUMC as part of the larger United Methodist connection.

Can I give in ways other than cash?
Yes! We are prepared to receive gifts of stock, IRA distributions and other appreciated assets. Contact the Church Office at 717.249.1512 or  regarding transfer instructions after consulting your financial advisor.
Ways to give beyond cash

What else can we do with our campus after the debt is paid off?
We can turn our full intentions to helping more people experience a life-giving journey with Jesus, in community and for our community. We can help more kids and families follow and Live Like Jesus as we invest in their lives. We can serve our community with greater impact in ministries focused on kids, hunger, and homelessness. We can better help our community partners with funding and sharing of our facility. We can expand our partnerships with local school districts where hunger and homeless issues for kids are far more extensive than you might think. We can grow our Haiti partnership and fund more recovery projects resulting from natural disasters. We can look to the brand new mission field of 374 housing units being built right next door to spread the love of Jesus, and broaden our outreach to our existing neighbors. In short, we can fund more mission and ministry instead of funding our debt! 

imagine all that god can do!