Walk of Faith
“A Walk of Faith” is a way to honor and memorialize loved ones at our new church building. Pavers and bricks are not just for deceased loved ones, but can be ordered in honor and celebration of special family events that will be visible for years to come.
Bricks and pavers will build an outdoor walkway from the Left Patio to the Amphitheatre, ending in a large patio at the Amphitheatre accessible for wheelchairs and those unable to sit on the outdoor amphitheater benches. It will take 495 pavers and 1090 bricks to complete the walkway. Pavers (12”x12”) are available for $500 donation and bricks (4”x8”) for $150 donation. Proceeds will help pay off our building debt.
We anticipate laying sections of the walk in the spring, summer and fall as orders are received.
View the brochure here.