Online Sign Ups


Small Groups

Wild Faith Women's Retreat

Saturday, 9:00am - 4:00pm 333 S Spring Garden Street Carlisle PA 17013

Saturday, March 29, 9am-4pm at CUMC

Women's Retreat, sponsored by Mindful Women. Retreat Leader: Rev. Melissa Madara. Lunch is provided. No fee to attend. Childcare available from 8:45am-Noon. Please register by March 23.


Group Details

Wills/Estate Planning Workshop - March 2

Sunday, 2:00pm - 4:00pm 333 S Spring Garden Street Carlisle PA 17013

Sunday, March 2, 2-4pm, at CUMC

Attorney William Bunt, an attorney in private practice and a member of Carlisle United Methodist Church will be doing a presentation on Last Will and Testament, Power of Attorney for Health Care, Power of Attorney for Finances and Living Will Documents. Rev. Edward Bailey, Executive Director of the United Methodist Foundation of Pennsylvania will be doing a presentation on Legacy Gift Planning and planning for your Legacy. He will give participants an Estate Planning Guide to complete in preparation for meeting with your attorney.

Rev. Richard Felty, The Griffith Legacy Fellowship

Contact Dick Felty   or 717.576.6937 with questions.

Registration will be limited to 30 participants Child Care will be provided.


Group Details

Church Hall - Feb 23, 2025

Sunday, 2:00pm - 3:30pm 333 S Spring Garden Street Carlisle PA 17013

February 23, 2pm, Carlisle UMC Chapel

Join the CUMC Leadership Council in the Chapel for an agenda-packed session featuring pillar ministry celebrations, finance updates, and more! Childcare provided for kids 5th grade and younger that are signed up. For questions or more information, contact Kathy Charette,


Group Details

Simple Money/Rich Life

Thursday, 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Thursdays: March 6-27, 6-7:30pm via Zoom

Achieve true financial freedom and design a life of eternal impact using four guiding principles: Earn all you can, Save all you can, Give all you can, and Enjoy all you can. Led by Stephanie Baity and Michelle Williams. 


Group Details

Parent Check-In March 2

Sunday, 5:00pm - 7:00pm 333 S Spring Garden Street Carlisle PA 17013

Sunday, March 2, 5-7pm at CUMC

Build community, connection, and faith with other parents at CUMC. Monthly gathering exploring themes from Kid and Student Ministries. Led by parents, Carol Lemon and Tom Kaden.


Group Details

Men's Breakfast

Saturday, 7:00am - 9:00am 1400 Harrisburg Pike Carlisle PA 17015

3rd Saturday of each month, 7-9am, Moonlight Diner (1400 Harrisburg Pike)

Men 20+ years of age gather for breakfast, prayer, and fellowship. Each attendee pays for their own breakfast. For more info, contact Sam Butler, 717.440.0113.


Group Details

Disciple 1 Fast Track

Sunday, 5:30pm - 7:00pm 333 S Spring Garden Street Carlisle PA 17013

Disciple Fast Track, an adaptation of the original, bestselling Disciple Bible Study, provides a viable option for busy people seeking comprehensive engagement over time with the entire biblical text. Fast Track groups meet for a total of 24 weeks, devoting 12 weeks each to the Old Testament and the New Testament. Participants read a manageable 3-5 chapters of the Bible daily in preparation for the weekly meetings, which last approximately 75 minutes. Childcare available. 

Begins Sundays, Sept. 15, 2024 - February 23, 2025 meeting from 5:30 - 7:00. Led by Roger Woods and Vicki Morley.

Participants will be required to purchase the study materials:

Old Testament Study Manual

New Testament Study Manual


Group Details

Women in Faith

Monday, 2:30pm - 3:30pm 333 S Spring Garden Street Carlisle PA 17013

First Monday of each month, 2:30pm at CUMC
(First meeting will be Monday, September 9, 2:30pm at CUMC)

Created for women of all ages and stages of life who seek a deeper relationship with God and other women. Author and pastor, Andy Stanley, is deeply concerned with the present-day church and its future. He believes that many of the solutions to our issues can be found by investigating our roots. In "Irresistible," Andy chronicles what made the early Jesus Movement so compelling, resilient, and irresistible. Led by Vicki Morley.


Group Details
