Wonder Women
Wonder Women: Hidden Figures
Jesus and the early spirit-led Jesus movement were filled with women leaders. They often get only briefly mentioned and are almost like Jesus was radical in his elevation and inclusion of women and the church has often been radical in its refusal to elevate and include women. Let us continue to be a church that lifts up all who are called to lead.
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November 1-22, 2020 Sunday Sermon Series
The Scriptures are full of women who take leading roles in God's story with courage, wisdom, and strength. Jesus was radical in his inclusion of women in the early Jesus movement, even if the church has not always followed the same path. This year as we remember the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage and a new Wonder Woman movie is set to be released, let's take some time to remember some of the wonder women of the Bible and find in their stories inspiration to live with courage, wisdom and strength as we live out our part of God's story.