The Road to Bethlehem
The Road to Bethlehem - The Journey
Like Mary and Joseph we are called to endure, we are called to trust God even when the path seems tough. When we face trials, there is often opportunities to grow in grace.
December 22 Worship Guide
December 22 Bulletin Wrap
Series Information
Sundays: December 1 - 22, 2024
This Christmas we will put ourselves in the shoes of Mary, Joseph and the other people along the Road to Bethlehem. Looking with fresh eyes at history, archeology, and the very human stories of the people who were there, we will discover that the Road to Bethlehem is a journey that still brings hope, love, and peace today.
Devotional: Plan to read along with daily devotions to accompany the sermon series
December 1: Mary of Nazareth - Luke 1:26-38
December 8: Joseph of Bethlehem - Matthew 1:18-24
December 15: Elizabeth in Judea - Luke 1:39-56
December 22: Nazareth to Bethlehem - Luke 2:1-7