Short Stores: The Parables of Jesus
Short Stories: Of Seeds and Soil
The gospel and God's grace are like a seed - small but mighty - powerful yet hidden - shared extravagantly by the sower. No matter how small your faith may seem, within it is the power of true and abundant life; a life that will grow into blessing for others.
September 12 Worship Guide
September 12 Bulletin Wrap
Series Information
Sundays: August 29 - October 3, 2021
When Jesus taught he often spoke in parables - short stories from real life that address important questions: What is God really like? How are we meant to live? Why do we struggle to do the right thing? Through the parables, Jesus sought to reveal what the Kingdom of God is like to teach us the meaning of life. Some are simple to understand. Some are challenging. Join us as we sit at Jesus' feet and hear the stories Jesus told.