Prayer as Jesus Taught
Prayer as Jesus Taught
Remember that you are loved fiercely by a God that calls you His beloved child. Remember that God is ruler of all things and remember that your life is to glorify God. This is the way Jesus teaches us to pray.
8:00/11am Worship Guide
June 6 Bulletin Wrap
Series Information
Sundays: June 6-July 18, 2021
In a recent survey, 80% of Americans say they have prayed at one time. Yet, we struggle with prayer. Does God hear us? Is God tired of our please? Do our words seem superficial? Does prayer matter? How do we pray?
This summer, we will have 2 ways to grow together in prayer: This sermon series on the Lord's Prayer and the 333 Congregational Prayer Initiative. The 333 Prayer Initiative gets it's name from our church address, 333 S. Spring Garden St. We will challenge each other to pray daily for our church and take prayer walks in our neighborhoods.
More on the 333 Prayer Initiative can be found here.