Final Words
It is Finished & Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit
God's work at At-One-Ment for humanity was completed. We explored what atonement and reconciliation mean in Christ. And the words of trust from Psalm 31. What do you need to leave at the cross in absolute trust? It is strange that this end is actually our beginning. So we can live and die with hope and wonder and the prayer on our lips 'Father into your hand I commit my Spirit.'
April 10 Worship Guide
April 10 Bulletin Wrap
Series Information
Sundays: March 6-April 10, 2022
We will explore Jesus' 7 Last Words from the Cross. We will see how they offer a window into the heart of God and the heart of the gospel. Throughout the series we will also take time to understand the meaning and atoning work of the cross as understood in multiple 'theories of atonement.'