In the Image of God
In the Image of God Week 1
Why does it matter that we are created in the image of God? How does it change the way we see others and ourselves?
Jan. 17 Worship Guide
Jan. 17 Bulletin Wrap
Image of God Sermon Series Phone Lock Screen graphic
Series Information

January 17-February 14, 2021
Sometimes it seems like the world gives us every reason to tear each other apart and dehumanize people who are not like us. On a personal level, sometimes it’s easy to look around and find all the reasons that we are not enough in who we are. What’s missing is what we hold in common: the recognition of the image of God in the face of the other AND in the face in the mirror. Recognizing the image of God in others is foundational to convictions like God’s love, equality, human dignity, and justice. Recognizing the image of God in ourselves firmly grounds our own sense of worth, potential, purpose, and calling. Let’s see ourselves as God sees us as we take a transformational look at some of our most pressing challenges from the vital Biblical idea that we are all created in the image of God.