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Jan 16, 2022 | Pastor Jake Waybright

Beloved Community

What happens when we strive to create spaces where every person is treated as beloved people created in God's image? We take part in building the beloved community that Martin Luther King Jr talked about, and Jesus demonstrated as the kingdom of God.

January 16 Worship Guide
January 16 Bulletin Wrap

Series Information

Sundays: January 9 - 30, 2022

"This is the marvel of marvels," said C.S. Lewis, "that he called me Beloved." We are beloved by God. His love is where we find our identity, our security, our authority. Then, and only then, can we become what Dr. King called the beloved community. We lead with love - we love because He first loved us.

Other sermons in the series

Jan 30, 2022

Beloved: I Am Here

All around us are people who may not feel beloved, who may be...