Abide: The Great Exchange
Worship Guide.
Through prayer and other spiritual disciplines, our relationship to God becomes one in which the fullness of God gradually comes to dwell in us as the Holy Spirit. In the Holy Spirit, we are given the power to do and become what we cannot do and become on our own.
The process through which this happens is a wonderful great exchange. In this great exchange we give of what we have to receive what God has. It is like the process of breathing in which we receive oxygen and return carbon dioxide. In the great exchange life is carried to every part of who we are and what we do.
Series Information
August 2-16, 2020
In the midst of all that is going on it is easy to become disconnected from God, from others, and from ourselves. Our routines have changed, our connections are different, and it is hard to find our footing.
Download a sermon series graphic for your phone lock screen here. The graphic includes the breath prayers for you to pray daily.