Little Lights

little lights learning center

let your little light shine!

At Little Lights we believe in making children feel that they are special and unique individuals created by God.
Children of all ages are exposed to Christian values on a daily basis.
We take great pride in our staff and work together in providing both a stimulating and nurturing environment.
It is our goal to promote growth intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically and spiritually.
Through our daily schedules, we provide many opportunities for teaching that the children find very successful and enjoyable. We also provide plenty of opportunities for play throughout our day. Research studies have shown how important play is for young children. We follow the Keystone Stars regulations, making sure that the children receive the right amount of free play everyday.

Our center is a happy and satisfying experience for the child, as well as the parent.

contact info

 or phone 717.249.5130


333 S Spring Garden Street, Carlisle, PA 17013
As you enter the Carlisle United Methodist Church driveway, follow the signs and keep left. Our parking and entryway faces the tree line. Once you enter the building, our office staff will assist you in accessing the building as needed. Please call our main office if you need further instructions or assistance: 717.249.5130.