
support cumc's ministries

Together at CUMC we give as an act of worship and praise to God; empowering each other and our community to Live Like Jesus.

Give securely one-time or reoccurring gifts. Also update your online giving account at the link below. Frequently Asked Questions.


Text "GIVE" to 717-964-4111.
1. For your first time, click "SIGN IN" then "REGISTER FOR AN ACCOUNT."
2. Complete the registration to receive your secure PIN.
3. Select the fund, enter the donation amount and payment information. Tap "SAVE PAYMENT" to use it for future gifts.

Other text commands:
Edit - Update your account & payment info
Keyword - See a list of funds you can give towards
Refund - Made a mistake? Refund your last gift (15 min. expiration)

Mail gifts directly to the Church Office at 333 S Spring Garden Street, Carlisle, PA 17013.  

There are offering boxes in the back of the Worship Center each Sunday. Use pre-mailed envelopes or ones in the pews. To order offering envelopes, please contact our financial secretary, David Price, or 717.249.1512. If you would like to discontinue giving envelopes by mail, please contact, David Price, or 717.249.1512.

As you think about your personal journey of giving, prayerfully consider what God is asking you to give, here are some tools that could make giving even easier. Speak with a trusted tax or financial professional regarding any of these methods of giving or about other opportunities that may be available to you.

legacy funds

The CUMC Legacy Funds Program provides members and friends with a number of options to give to CUMC, through wills, endowment gifts, memorial and honor gifts and trusts, to support the mission and ministries of CUMC. Gifts may be made to:

  • One of the Endowment Funds of CUMC
  • One of the Ministry Funds of CUMC
  • Walk of Faith, honor and memorial pathway, supporting new church building fund
  • Griffith Legacy Fellowship - encourages conversation and plans to include CUMC in estate planning; with an opportunity for us to thank you now and invite you to hear annually from our Pastors and leaders about CUMC plans for the future. Read more here.

I want to know more about Legacy Funds...

why give?

We want people to have an authentic experience of God in their lives and learn to Live Like Jesus. At CUMC, we do not want you to give your money to the church. We want you to offer your money to God. 
Offering a portion of our income (tithes) shows our gratitude and thankfulness to God, recognizing that everything we have comes from God. Our tithes show our willingness to bring our lives into line with all that God has commanded for us, our willingness to follow God's will and our trust in God.

The generosity and faithfulness of the people of CUMC, and God's Holy Spirit, is what enables and sustains us in our mission and ministries - at CUMC, in our community and globally as part of the United Methodist Church. We are asking you to invest your time, your talents and your treasures with CUMC.