Every Sunday, from 08/02/2020 to 08/16/2020, 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Sundays: August 2-16
CUMC's YouTube channel (Sundays, 8am & after)
Drive-In Worship (August 2 only) - 8:30am, 333 S Spring Garden St (no Drive-In Worship Aug. 9 & 16)
In the midst of all that is going on it is easy to become disconnected from God, from others, and from ourselves. Our routines have changed, our connections are different, and it is hard to find our footing.
Maybe in this time is an invitation to learn again the invitation of God to abide, remain, stay with God. Maybe this is a chance to place our footing more firmly on the rock. Maybe it is time to nurture our connection to the vine.
Jesus teaches that it is in abiding that we find peace, joy, direction, love, purpose, and life abundance. Maybe when so much is in limbo we can discover in a new and deeper way the unchanging truth that "In Christ alone my soul finds rest" (adapted from Psalm 62:1)
Download a sermon series graphic for your phone lock screen here. The graphic includes the breath prayer for you to pray daily.