Discipleship is a shared life and a personal journey that forms us into a Jesus-shaped life of love. A Jesus-shaped life of love involves four rhythms of life: Worship - centering our lives in God; Grow - pursuing growth and transformation; Serve - sharing the love of Christ and Connect - building beloved community. This winter and spring's Adult Grow offerings will help adults discover rhythms, resources, and community experiences that will support a Jesus-shaped life of love.
Adults at CUMC cover those ages 18+. We come together for making friends, making a difference in our community and deepening our faith. Register your kids for childcare when you sign up for a class, group, or study.
sunday school offerings
new beginnings9:30-10:30am, A2 (or Zoom) Adults gather for discussion sharing old and new perspectives, listening to each other and meeting with contemporary scholars (via video) to help us grow in our love and faith in God. Led by Nancy Schoeps & Sharon Edwards. To join or for more info, click here.
faith journey9:30-10:30am, Chapel (Zoom) Adults gather for discussion using DVD series and scripture to help us better understand God's word. We discuss the meaning of the scripture in our lives so we can live more like Jesus. Led by Ron Chipriano. To join or for more info, click here. |
pathways11:00am-12:00pm, A2 (or Zoom) Class meets year-round except when leaders are on vacation. Class is currently studying the 20 books of Acts that have survived the past 2000 years. Led by Greg Williams. To join or for more info, click here. |
Parent Check-In
Monthly on Sundays (Apr 6, May 4), 5-7pm at CUMC
Build community, connection, and faith with other parents at CUMC. Monthly gathering exploring faith themes from Kid and Student Ministry. Childcare available. Led by parents, Carol Lemon and Tom Kaden, for parents. There will be a new sign-up each month, participants should sign up monthly. Sign up here for April 6.
Women in Faith: Women's Life Group
First Monday of each Month (begins in September 2025), 2:30pm at CUMC
Created for women of all ages and stages of life who seek a deeper relationship with God and other women. Led by Vicki Morley.
Mindful Women
Second Monday of each Month, 1 or 6pm at CUMC
Worldwide, people say that happiness is their most cherished goal, yet two thirds of us don't check the Yes box on the happiness questionnaire. In this study, Max Lucado provides a personal plan for a life filled with lasting and fulfilling joy, supported by Jesus' teaching and modern research. We will be using Max Lucado's video study on, "How Happiness Happens." Dinner meeting at 6pm on May 12. Led by Sue Baxter, Jacquie Bunt, and Chris Benson.
Sign up here.
Men's Thursday Morning Breakfast & Study Group
Thursdays, breakfast at Faye's Diner at 7:30am, Study conversation at 8:45am at CUMC
Enjoy breakfast at Fay's Diner in Carlisle at 7:30am (optional), followed by study conversation with the larger group at CUMC at 8:45am in the Chapel. Led by Rich Charette. For more information, contact Rich at